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Anderson ian

Sunn O))) – White2

Agonisingly slow metal rituals

Vinicius Cantuaria – Horse And Fish

Brazilian avant-bossa nova master and sidekick to David Byrne and Arto Lindsay

Barefoot In The Dark

Her ninth studio album, and first after leaving Arista, her home since 1975

Funny Bones

Marvellous second album of irresistible Anglophile strangeness from Albuquerque oddballs

Flap Happy

Second compilation gleaned from the cupboards of erstwhile Beta Band man and current member of Fife's oddball Fence Collective

Rock’n’Roll Hearts

Frances McDormand impresses in triangular love story set amid the West Coast rock fraternity

Punch-Drunk Love

The fundamental tension here isn't whether bipolar salesman Barry (Adam Sandler) will end up with doe-eyed English executive Lena (Emily Watson). No, the question here is one of authorship. At a snappy 97 minutes, detailing Sandler's eccentric but essentially loveable dufus, his explosive temper and wacky air-miles scam, it fits neatly into the Sandler lineage. Yet, with Sandler's broader antics leavened by long tracking shots and static arthouse takes, the film is recognisably the work of pop-auteur Paul Thomas Anderson.

Jethro Tull

Late-'70s folkloric Tull gets a makeover then takes a step too far


First four albums from Wayne Coyne's favourite progressive act, expanded and remastered

The Bad Plus – These Are The Vistas

Potent jazz piano trio debut

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