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The Best Albums Of 2014 – The Uncut Top 75

The current issue of Uncut features our albums of the year list, compiled by the Uncut team, along with the best reissues and compilations of the year, and the best films and books.

The 154 Best Albums Of 2014 (A very personal list…)

Hey, here are my 154 favourite albums of 2014. As usual, I haven't aimed for a fixed number; just listed everything, in a loose order, that I've enjoyed these past 12 months.

The Best Albums Of 2014: Halftime Report Part Three

Yesterday, after I posted this list of my favourite albums of 2014, I received a few messages complaining that there were too many Youtube and Soundcloud clips embedded here, preventing the page from loading properly. Forgive the repetition, then, but I thought it worth reposting the list as three separate blogs; hopefully it’ll work better this time… Previously: The Best Albums Of 2014: Halftime Report Part One Previously: The Best Albums Of 2014: Halftime Report Part Two

The Best Albums Of 2014: Halftime Report

Always a bit of a gamble doing this, to be honest but, since it’s June, I’ve tried to put together a list of my favourite albums of 2014 thus far. Many caveats forthcoming, not least that my slightly ad hoc way of trying to remember what I’ve liked means I’ve almost certainly missed a few things.

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