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Do make say think

David Essex

The East End boy's entire CBS output remastered and reintroduced to a world perhaps now ready for it

A Brace Apart

Two towering '80s icons get back on track but with some way to go

In Todd We Trust

Twentieth solo album and full-scale return to form from the artist formerly known as TR-I

Cocaine Heights

The most important body of work in mainstream '70s pop/rock is given the redux treatment to remind us why Buckingham and Nicks still matter

The Old Soul Rebels

Kevin Rowland's legendary rabble-rousers make a triumphant live return

The Thunder Rolls On

His Bobness kicks up a storm among the seven hills and proves he's still armed to the teeth

The Hip Priest

Soul legend's first recordings with Willie Mitchell in 17 years

Shoot For The Stars

The Addiction plug straight back into the main vein

Nude Awakening

I know what you're thinking. Oh Lord, what's McCartney doing now? What desperate revisionism is he foisting on a Lennon-free world? Now calm down.

The Sound And The Fury

Set fire to anything. Set fire to the air," urged John Cale at the beginning of Music For A New Society. That 1982 masterpiece was the evisceration of a man whose fractured psyche was mirrored perfectly by songs arranged in jagged, improvisatory style; a knife held at the throat of sweetness. Now he reappears with his first album of songs for seven years, and his finest album in any genre for over two decades.

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