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Young gods

Colin Stetson: “New History Warfare Vol. 2: Judges”

One of those serendipitous music/environment moments this morning. As I was walking down Stamford Hill in a thickish mist, Colin Stetson’s fathomlessly deep saxophone came looming out of my headphones like a foghorn This is one of the first things you hear on “New History Warfare Vol. 2: Judges”, a pretty unusual and excellent record that I’ve been meaning to write about for a while.

The Judges Discuss: The Gaslight Anthem, “American Slang”

Part Six of the transcripts from the Uncut Music Award 2010 judging sessions. Today, we reach The Gaslight Anthem...

Liam Hayes & Plush: “Bright Penny”

It was with a degree of amazement that I received a new album by Liam Hayes & Plush a couple of weeks ago. Most people who’ve followed Hayes’ progress over the past 15 years didn’t expect “Bright Penny” to be finished for another few years, even though, technically, the last Plush album came out in 2002.

The Ten Best Things About Friday At Latitude

Since, with a fairly grim inevitability, I'm the first of the Uncut massive to be up and about, the first highlights top ten of the festival falls to me, it seems.

COACHELLA FESTIVAL DAY 1 – The Verve, The Raconteurs, The Breeders!

COACHELLA FESTIVAL – DAY ONE - The Verve, Les Savy Fav, The Raconteurs! It’s 97 degrees, 50,000 music tattooed fans are surrounded by palm trees and padding cowboy-hatted and barefoot across the lush polo fields of Indio, California while trucks spray water ON the site to keep the swirling dust down. Read it and weep Mr Eavis! It can only be COACHELLA.

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