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You know, up until a couple of weeks ago, I never thought I'd want to play a Bright Eyes record ever again. Their early records had sounded naive, passionate and interesting. But Conor Oberst's default schtick soon lost it's charm for me, closer resembling a kind of whingeing verbal diarrhoea. I know he was still pretty young - he's only about 27 now - but his pretensions still seemed rooted in adolescence, like a clever 16-year-old trying to cram all the ideas, images and words he knows into one song.

This week’s Friend Of Devendra

If you're American, brandish an acoustic guitar and look a bit feral, chances are your publicist will flog you as a close personal chum of Devendra Banhart.

Never Mind The Ballads

Mouthy agit-rock trio trade spiky bombast for mellow elegance

David Dondero – The Transient

US travelling folkie's second album and inaugural UK release

Reviewing The Situationists

Reissued best-of follows renewed interest in scabrous post-punk politicos

The Sons Of TC Lethbridge – A Giant: The Definitive TC Lethbridge

Two CDs of psychedelic esoterica from the court of Julian Cope

Various Artists – Phil’s Spectre: A Wall Of Soundalikes

Roll over Jack Nitzsche and tell Bill Medley the news. Two dozen quality excursions into Echo Chamber Music

Editor's Picks
