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Countdown To Latitude: The Mars Volta

In this month's Uncut, Guy Garvey previews Latitude and notes, with regard to The Mars Volta, "We're all into some heavy prog." A sceptic might say that you'd need to be, given that this remarkable Californian band have a much more unambiguous relationship with prog rock than most of their more timid contemporaries.

Howlin Rain: “Wild Life”

I couldn’t make it to Howlin Rain’s London show the other night, but my colleague Miles did, and came back impressed and bearing a very neat new CD that he bought at the gig. “Wild Life” has two tracks, lasts for about half an hour, and may provide some succour for Ethan Miller fans who’ve been unnerved by his transition from the flat-out psychedelic gloop of Comets On Fire to the sepia-tinted classic rock of the Rain.

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