The Singles – Better Than Before

Skinny-tied power pop with a whiff of Mersey, Zombies and Chuck Berry

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Four-piece The Singles combine their native Detroit guitar flash with a love for the perfect progressions of the ’60s pop merchants. “He Can Go, You Can’t Stay” and “It’ll Never Be The Same Again” identify the correct period boy-girl love-hate thing, lashing loads of harmonies to floppy-fringed rhythms. By the look of them, oil painters won’t be making house calls, but this is bedroom/garage music, best listened to in the lockedup-tight position, and with more hum factor than a silage barn.


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Four-piece The Singles combine their native Detroit guitar flash with a love for the perfect progressions of the '60s pop merchants. "He Can Go, You Can't Stay" and "It'll Never Be The Same Again" identify the correct period boy-girl love-hate thing, lashing loads of...The Singles - Better Than Before