Television Personalities – Yes Darling, But Is It Art? (Early Singles And Rarities)

Early off-cuts from cultish British eccentric

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Dan Treacy is revered by some as a paragon of scruffy, scuffed outsider pop art, a punky British answer to Arthur Lee or Skip Spence. The fact that these devotees are the kind of people who hail Edward Ball as a genius and covet Biff Bang Pow! seven-inches speaks volumes. Sure enough, here we have the odd flash or two of inspiration (notably “King And Country” and “How I Learned To Love… The Bomb”) stifled by a general air of disappointment and opportunities missed. While the na


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Dan Treacy is revered by some as a paragon of scruffy, scuffed outsider pop art, a punky British answer to Arthur Lee or Skip Spence. The fact that these devotees are the kind of people who hail Edward Ball as a genius and covet...Television Personalities - Yes Darling, But Is It Art? (Early Singles And Rarities)