Set Fire To Flames – Telegraphs In Negative

Fine Godspeed-like soundscapes from Montreal collective

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Part of the Montreal-based musical coalition that includes Godspeed You! Black Emperor (several members are included here), Set Fire To Flames wander familiarly disquieting terrain as titles like “Buzz Of Barn Flies Like Faulty Electronics” suggest. This was recorded in an abandoned farm in Ontario, with natural sounds incorporated into the recordings. Here, drones, strings and trance rhythms hang together by a beautiful thread, evoking authentic and imaginary landscapes.


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Part of the Montreal-based musical coalition that includes Godspeed You! Black Emperor (several members are included here), Set Fire To Flames wander familiarly disquieting terrain as titles like "Buzz Of Barn Flies Like Faulty Electronics" suggest. This was recorded in an abandoned farm in...Set Fire To Flames - Telegraphs In Negative