Lisa Gerrard With Patrick Cassidy – Immortal Memory

Profound Celtic-inflected soundscapes from Dead Can Dance singer

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It’s so long since we heard from Dead Can Dance we must assume the pairing of Lisa Gerrard and Brendan Perry has shuffled off this musical coil. Gerrard now composes soundtracks (Gladiator, MI:2), and on Immortal Memory she teams up with Irish classicist Patrick Cassidy. As background listening, this sounds like high-class Enya, but listen harder and dense textures and nuances lie beneath the surface. As for Gerrard’s voice, it’s hard not to descend into such clich


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It's so long since we heard from Dead Can Dance we must assume the pairing of Lisa Gerrard and Brendan Perry has shuffled off this musical coil. Gerrard now composes soundtracks (Gladiator, MI:2), and on Immortal Memory she teams up with Irish classicist Patrick...Lisa Gerrard With Patrick Cassidy - Immortal Memory