Ghost In The Shell

The year is 2029, the city is Hong Kong, and the subject is a semi-naked cyborg supercop Major Kusanagi (Atsuko Tanaka). She's an animé fanboy's wet dream with improbably pert buttocks, muscular breasts, pneumatic nipples and a penchant for quoting Corinthians while questioning the nature of 'self' and simultaneously pursuing a mastermind cyber-hacker. Sublimely realised, intellectual ponderous, cheesy fun.

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The year is 2029, the city is Hong Kong, and the subject is a semi-naked cyborg supercop Major Kusanagi (Atsuko Tanaka). She’s an anim


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The year is 2029, the city is Hong Kong, and the subject is a semi-naked cyborg supercop Major Kusanagi (Atsuko Tanaka). She's an animGhost In The Shell