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Why four

Yippie kay yay — or why this blog loves BRUCE WILLIS

Out of all the burger-chain owning, cigar-chewing Eighties' action heroes, Bruce Willis was always the one I had the most time for.

Is this the end for Spider-Man..? Or: Why the world really doesn’t need Web 3.0.

Coming from the same creative team behind the first two Spider-Man movies -- headed by director Sam Raimi -- the big question hanging over part 3 is: what the hell went wrong? Spider-Man 3 seems to have been willed into existence by the combined efforts of marketing departments, merchandise divisions and third-party licencees. The result is soulless and witless, a sequel too far.

An Audience With Damo Suzuki

The former Can frontman and musical free spirit talks pitch-black bedrooms, chess addiction and why there’s no such thing as rubbish

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