Recording With Bob Dylan, Engineer Chris Shaw Tells All!

Read the final installment of Uncut's exclusive Tell Tale Signs online series!

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BOB DYLAN SPECIAL: The Complete Tell Tale Signs

In the November issue of Uncut, we celebrated the release of Tell Tale Signs, the Bootleg Series Vol 8, Bob Dylan’s astonishing 2 and 3CD collection of unreleased material from 1989-2006.

By speaking to the musicians, producers and crew who worked with him during this period, we uncovered a fascinating insight into how Dylan has recorded in the studio.


Over the the month, we have published the full, unedited transcripts of those interviews, and now present the final installment.

So, today, we present part thirteen: Chris Shaw, longtime engineer for Dylan.

For the full in-depth interview, click here.


You can read the previous five transcripts by clicking on the side panel (right) and all 13 parts of our exclusive online series in the Uncut Special features archive by clicking here.


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