The Vanity Set – Little Stabs Of Happiness

Second from Nick Cave drummer's side project

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Although long-serving Bad Seed Jim Sclavunos sounds uncannily like St Nick himself on opener “The Big Bang”, The Vanity Set are a very different kettle of fish to that being boiled up on the Seeds’ recent Nocturama. There’s doom and melodrama right enough, but would Mr Cave ever allow glam guitar solos, hysterical theremin surges, circus techno and?gadzooks!?a Bee Gees cover (“I Started A Joke”)? Track five, “Imp OfThe Perverse”, nicely sums this up. File under Goth Comedy.


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Although long-serving Bad Seed Jim Sclavunos sounds uncannily like St Nick himself on opener "The Big Bang", The Vanity Set are a very different kettle of fish to that being boiled up on the Seeds' recent Nocturama. There's doom and melodrama right enough, but...The Vanity Set - Little Stabs Of Happiness