The Go

Tough trad Detroit garage. Recent touring partner Jack White was once a member

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While The White Stripes remain King and Queen of post-Stooges Detroit punk, the bands playing in their shadows have virtues, too. Though The Go at first seem content to run the gamut of Anglo-American trash-rock influences (Bolan on track 1, The Faces on track 2…), with arresting pastiche lyrics (“What happened in your early life? Got laid when you were too young?”), they eventually pummel through to a place of their own. “He’s Been Lyin'”, especially, with its sexily menacing “Gimme Shelter”intro, jumpy beats, phased, clanging guitars and “Babybabybabybaby”boiling climax, is worth the ticket.


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While The White Stripes remain King and Queen of post-Stooges Detroit punk, the bands playing in their shadows have virtues, too. Though The Go at first seem content to run the gamut of Anglo-American trash-rock influences (Bolan on track 1, The Faces on track...The Go