Roger Waters sorry for painting over Elliot Smith memorial wall

Gaffe happened during promotion for his forthcoming 'Wall' tour

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Roger Waters has made an apology after graffiti artists he commissioned to promote his forthcoming tour accidentally defaced an Elliot Smith memorial mural.

The former Pink Floyd man had asked the artists to erect wheat paste posters bearing an anti-war quote from President Eisenhower across American cities, in promotion of his tour of Pink Floyd‘s ‘The Wall’.

The Eisenhower quote used by Waters reads:


“Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, represents, in the final analysis, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, who are cold and are not clothed.”

However, one wall that was covered with the slogan was the front of Solutions Audio shop on Sunset Boulevard in Los Angeles, which has become an unofficial memorial for Smith, who passed away in 2003. It was also the place where the cover image of his album ‘Figure 8’ was shot.

“It was absolutely an accident,” Waters told LA Times in response to the mistake. “I didn’t want to disrespect Elliott Smith‘s fans, and I’ve instructed [the team] to remove the wheat paste immediately. It was a random pasting in the normal course of this, and I want to make it public that we had no intent to offend or cover up something precious.”


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