Watch Joni Mitchell discuss fame in newly animated interview

The interview from 1986 forms part of PBS' Blank On Blank series

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An archival interview from 1986 with Joni Mitchell has been animated by PBS as part of their ongoing Blank On Blank series.

The short film contains an interview beteween Mitchell and record executive Joe Smith and finds Mitchell discussing subjects including her naiveté about drugs as a young musician, her refusal to make a commercial album and her relationship with her success.

“I never really wanted to be a star,” she reveals. “I didn’t like entering a room with all eyes on me.


“I like to do my own grocery shopping,” she says. “People do recognize you. They are kind of shocked. Some people like it. It makes them feel at ease. It confirms their hopes that you are in fact similar to them. Some people can’t stand it.”

PBS’ Blank On Blank series has previously featured animated archival interviews with Lou Reed, John Lennon and Yoko Ono, Elliott Smith and Jim Morrison.


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