Micah P Hinson has announced a full new UK tour to take place this November.
The singer, who co-headlined Club Uncut last month (alongside White Denim), will kick off his tour in Glasgow on November 12.
Read Allan Jones’ review of Micah P Hinson’s Club Uncut set here to check out what to expect!
A new album, ‘Micah P Hinson And The Red Empire Orchestra’, has also just hit the shops.
Micah P Hinson’s new tour dates will be:
Glasgow Stereo (November 2)
Newcastle Cluny (3)
Manchester Ruby Lounge (4)
Birmingham Glee Club (5)
London Scala (6)
Bristol Thekla (8)
Portsmouth Wedgewood Rooms (9)
Norwich Arts Centre (10)
Oxford Academy (11)
Brighton Hanbury Club (12)