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Baby rose

Revolution In A Box

In the dismal history of Rolling Stones '60s catalogue reissues, this is a first of sorts. This time, ABKCO... Universal... whoever... haven't got it completely wrong. Collected here, in their original European/US sleeves, are the thrashing, screaming baby Stones' first dozen 45s, including the three classic British EPs. Welcome as this is and despite the pretty sleeves, the '60s singles are far more conveniently housed in the long available Singles Collection.

Whole Loretta Love

Awesome rebirth of original Country Queen, produced and arranged by The White Stripes' Jack White

The Tenant

Filmed in '76, the conclusion to Roman Polanski's evil-rooms trilogy returns to the urban paranoia and fracturing psyches of Repulsion and Rosemary's Baby. Polanski—who'd just taken up residence in France—himself plays the vulnerable, mouse-like new occupant of a forlorn Paris apartment, whose creeping schizophrenia grows as he feels himself falling under the influence of the previous resident, a female suicide victim. A perverse slow-dazzle.

The Last Kiss

Thirtysomething with Italians

Amazing Grace

Shimmering performance by the Mother Superior of country rock

Ghetto Life

Polanski's heartfelt hymn to Polish suffering in WWII Warsaw

This Month In Americana

Beguiling collection of sepia-tinged ephemera spanning 1993-2002 from LA songstress, sometime Creekdipper and full-time fairer half of Mark Olson

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