Hollywood Ending

Movie industry satire based on Tolstoy's The Death Of Ivan Ilyich

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In Bernard Rose’s terrific film, Danny Huston-son of legendary director John and brother to Anjelicagives one of the year’s most outstanding screen performances as charismatic Hollywood agent Ivan Beckman, a man who suddenly finds himself with virtually everything he ever wanted, only to have it brutally snatched away.

The film opens with his lonely death and the callous reaction to it from clients and colleagues at the Media Talent Agency, where he has been a star manipulator and deal-broker. In the long flashback that follows, we see Ivan’s life and relationships unravel as what is left of his career seems to him increasingly brash and eventually empty and the film moves towards its grimly moving climax.


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In Bernard Rose's terrific film, Danny Huston-son of legendary director John and brother to Anjelicagives one of the year's most outstanding screen performances as charismatic Hollywood agent Ivan Beckman, a man who suddenly finds himself with virtually everything he ever wanted, only to have...Hollywood Ending