A rather contrived sequel to 1999’s Billy Crystal/Robert De Niro buddy comedy (Analyze This), Analyze That nonetheless has enough sporadic wit and infectious Hope/Crosby chemistry to justify its existence. Here De Niro’s neurotic mobster is released from prison into the protective custody of Crystal’s wisecracking shrink (don’t ask). Cue some ‘fish out of water’ shenanigans, a Sopranos parody, and a grand heist finale.
Analyze That
A rather contrived sequel to 1999's Billy Crystal/Robert De Niro buddy comedy (Analyze This), Analyze That nonetheless has enough sporadic wit and infectious Hope/Crosby chemistry to justify its existence. Here De Niro's neurotic mobster is released from prison into the protective custody of Crystal's wisecracking shrink (don't ask). Cue some 'fish out of water' shenanigans, a Sopranos parody, and a grand heist finale.
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