All The Jung Drudes

The Tamworth shaman returns to the fray, heroically recharged

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To all but the obsessive, Julian Cope has appeared lost to rock these past few years. Since the unsuccessful release of Interpreter in 1996, he has been far more prominent as a Neolithic scholar, scourge of the Roman Empire and cheerleader for Odin, as a mischievous shit-stirrer in the cloisters of academe. In fact, Cope has been simultaneously burrowing deep into the avant-rock underground, building a bolthole for himself and a global cabal of psychedelic refuseniks. Where once his tastes seemed stuck in 1971 with Blue Cheer and Amon D


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To all but the obsessive, Julian Cope has appeared lost to rock these past few years. Since the unsuccessful release of Interpreter in 1996, he has been far more prominent as a Neolithic scholar, scourge of the Roman Empire and cheerleader for Odin, as...All The Jung Drudes