We want your questions for Yusuf Cat Stevens!

To coincide with the releases of his first new studio album in five years, Tell ‘Em I’m Gone, on October 27, Yusuf / Cat Stevens is set to answer your questions in our regular An Audience With... feature. So is there anything you’ve always wanted to ask the legendary singer-songwriter? What does he remember about touring with Jimi Hendrix and the Walker Brothers in 1967? What is his favourite of the many cover versions of his songs? How did he come to work with Will Oldham and Rick Rubin on his new album?

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To coincide with the releases of his first new studio album in five years, Tell ‘Em I’m Gone, on October 27, Yusuf / Cat Stevens is set to answer your questions in our regular An Audience With… feature.

So is there anything you’ve always wanted to ask the legendary singer-songwriter?

What does he remember about touring with Jimi Hendrix and the Walker Brothers in 1967?


What is his favourite of the many cover versions of his songs?

How did he come to work with Will Oldham and Rick Rubin on his new album?

Send up your questions by noon, Tuesday, September 23 to uncutaudiencewith@timeinc.com. The best questions, and Cat’s answers, will be published in a future edition of Uncut magazine. Please include your name and location with your question.


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