Your Best Of 2011 Charts, Please…

Thanks for all your kind responses to my 100 Albums of 2011. In case you missed it the other day, one of the blog’s most diligent regulars, Nick, has put together a Wild Mercury Sound Spotify playlist with most of the 100 featured. Enormous thanks again, for that; let me know, of course, what you all think.

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Thanks for all your kind responses to my 100 Albums of 2011. In case you missed it the other day, one of the blog’s most diligent regulars, Nick, has put together a Wild Mercury Sound Spotify playlist with most of the 100 featured. Enormous thanks again, for that; let me know, of course, what you all think.

Just making notes for this week’s normal playlist, it occurs to me that perhaps we should kick off a thread for your own end of year charts. If you’d like to post Top Tens here (in order, please, to help me with the dark mathematics), that’d be really interesting.


We can talk about inclusions and omissions and so on, then in the new year I’ll add up the votes and come up with some notionally definitive chart to finally shut the door on 2011. Tempting as it may be to suggest that I’ll render null and void all charts that include, say, that Bon Iver record, I’ll promise to maintain strenuous and ethical electoral standards throughout. Let’s have a look, anyhow…


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