Mark Kozelek interviewed

The Sun Kil Moon man on fame, infamy and his war on The War On Drugs: "I'm not interested in people's bitching and whining…"

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“There isn’t all the baggage that comes with, ‘This is forever’.”

Jimmy Lavalle, Desertshore, Justin Broadrick, Ben Gibbard? Kozelek on collaborations…

“They do the music, I do the vocals. Jimmy [Lavalle, with whom he made 2013’s Perils From The Sea] and I recorded the entire album with only one phone conversation. It doesn’t get much easier than that. There was talk of him and I doing an EP, but he had a child since then, and you know how it is, he got busy with his things and I got busy with mine. But that guy made music that inspired me to sing at my very best. Maybe someday we’ll do it again.


“With Desertshore [the San Francisco instrumentalists who backed him on an eponymous 2013 set], I would just show up, listen to what they had recorded and write words and melodies on the spot. Easy stuff. When something is a side project, there isn’t all the baggage that comes with, ‘This is forever’. You’re just working on one thing to see how it all turns out.

“Ben [Gibbard, The Postal Service/Death Cab For Cutie frontman] and I will make some music someday, I’m sure. I don’t know how or when. Maybe him on drums, both of us singing and doing overdubs. He’s a great drummer. Justin Broadrick [The British avant-metal musician, best known for Godflesh] and I are working on something, as we can, here and there, as we’re both so fucking busy. It’s going to be something, though, that album. It’ll probably be released in 2016.”




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