Things we spotted at End Of The Road 2023

Marbles! Tequila! Giant bird heads! Boyz II Men!

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A sad goodbye to the Turkish grill / funk-and-disco area. But an enthusiastic hello to the new ‘Craft Bar’ serving Britain’s finest ales to a classic Heavenly Social soundtrack…

People getting surprisingly competitive over the marble race in the woods (“Well obviously you won, your marble was more aerodynamic”)…

A packed karaoke tent going crazy as a festival-goer called Gemma performed a pitch-perfect rendition of Boyz II Men’s – of course – “End Of The Road”…


All the guests at the Uncut Q&As being fascinated by the sheep right behind the stage. They even inspired 75 Dollar Bill’s Rick Brown to ask the audience for their recommendations for English sheep cheeses…

The fella in a camping chair, stubbornly filling out the Times crossword as the chaos of Avalanche Kaito unfolded around him…

The most appropriate of the many retro football shirts spotted while wandering through the woods? Nottingham Forest, natch…


The peacocks looking distinctly unimpressed by all the people in giant bird heads invading their manor…

Respect to the roadie who was forced to spend the entirety of Oren Ambarchi’s set crouched down behind a malfunctioning Leslie speaker, rotating it by hand…

Someone pulling out a skipping rope on the dancefloor at The Boat stage…

Deep in the woods, a luminous mushroom grotto soundtracked by a nursery rhyme rendition of Radiohead’s “Fake Plastic Trees”…

The lad in wedding drag discovering tequila for the very first time: “You’re actually meant to drink this stuff?”…

Yes, some folks really did lug a full-size white chaise longue into the moshpit during Wet Leg’s set, before dancing on it as triumphantly as you’d expect…

Say, for instance, you’ve just got engaged at End Of The Road. To celebrate, which song would you request the DJ plays? That’s right, “Zombie” by The Cranberries

Every crowdsurfer at King Gizzard’s show being rewarded with a breadstick…

Catch up with all of Uncut’s coverage of End Of The Road 2023 here.


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