The Boggs – Stitches

Hillbilly punk from The Rapture's flatmates

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The idea of three Brooklyn scenesters making overdriven Appalachian folk is so preposterous as to be quite appealing?if nothing else, it ridicules the cult of authenticity that continues to dog ‘roots’ music. Stitches operates at a fractionally less deranged speed than The Boggs’ 2002 debut, but still resembles the early Pogues had the latter studied Harry Smith’s Anthology Of American Folk Music rather than their Irish heritage. Jason Friedman sings as if he has a mouthful of loose teeth, but his songwriting is definitely improving. A clutch of the songs here?notably ruminatory single “The Ark”?are memorable for more than the impious way they attack tradition.


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The idea of three Brooklyn scenesters making overdriven Appalachian folk is so preposterous as to be quite appealing?if nothing else, it ridicules the cult of authenticity that continues to dog 'roots' music. Stitches operates at a fractionally less deranged speed than The Boggs' 2002...The Boggs - Stitches