Shout At The Devil

A handsomely filmed 1976 comedy adventure from a Wilbur Smith novel set in Africa during WWI, Shout At The Devil fails to register. True Blue Brit Roger Moore hooks up with alcoholid Lee Marvin, and they take on the German Navy. Explosions follow. Marvin hams outrageously.

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A handsomely filmed 1976 comedy adventure from a Wilbur Smith novel set in Africa during WWI, Shout At The Devil fails to register. True Blue Brit Roger Moore hooks up with alcoholid Lee Marvin, and they take on the German Navy. Explosions follow. Marvin hams outrageously.


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A handsomely filmed 1976 comedy adventure from a Wilbur Smith novel set in Africa during WWI, Shout At The Devil fails to register. True Blue Brit Roger Moore hooks up with alcoholid Lee Marvin, and they take on the German Navy. Explosions follow. Marvin...Shout At The Devil